Customer Service

Open Communications & Powerful Automation To Drive Resolutions

Merchants and independent sales agents deserve exceptional customer service. Your financial organization deserves a customer service solution that is up to the task.


Correlate, Analyze, Implement

Comprehensive CRM Capabilities For Exceptional Customer Service and Support

Upgrade from archaic email-based ticketing systems and bare bones functionality to a fintech-grade support system that will allow you to delight your customers while saving sales and support time and money.


Fuse any and all customer touchpoints across teams into a seamless experience for merchants and independent sales agents


Automate and streamline support workflows to ensure timely communications amongst teams and speedy resolution for customers


Stop customer support cases and tickets from “falling through the cracks” with powerful communication tools to improve resolution times


Provide timely in-system merchant communications to avoid penalties and fines via an announcement capability

End to End Communications

From Case Management To Resolution And Reporting

Luqra's customer support capabilities were built from the ground up to create an exceptional Bank & FinTech support platform with a single goal: deliver an exceptional customer experience.

Merchants and agents can submit tickets through the online portal, with automatic ticket routing to the appropriate department

Manage all events and actions via a single user-friendly system interface

Open tickets internally or direct to both merchants and agents

Multi-channel support, including email, SMS text, phone, etc.

Enterprise-grade reporting and analytics of customer support KPIs

Robust alerting and SLA functionality to keep sales and customer support teams abreast of timely issues that need resolution

In-system announcement capability allows customer notifications when user logs in and supports email, SMS text and social media; ability to parse system announcements by user type

See For Yourself

Schedule a Demo

Learn how Luqra ERP empowers Banks, financial institutions, and FinTechs with futureproof automations and ticket management tools that streamline customer resolutions and communications.